Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Aunt Margie!!!

I wanted to take this opportunity to wish one of my favorite aunts a very Happy Birthday. My Aunt Margie is my mother's youngest sister and was the youngest of the four Flay sisters.....three of which are still alive.

For as long as I've known her, she was always the Aunt who didn't live in Brooklyn, moving to Long Island (Hicksville) and then Rockland County (New City) before any of the other sisters ventured out of the borough. She was married to my Uncle Bob who was in the insurance industry and wore a suit to work every day which was a big deal back then.

Some of my summer vacations were spent visiting my Aunt Margie for a week at her house in the country which was such a treat for me. She was always so unbelievably nice and the thing I remembered most about her was that she never got mad and she never yelled at anyone. I absolutely loved going to her house. This picture shows many of us at her home for some special occasion. Aunt Margie is the second from the left on the sofa and I'm on the very right on the floor in this photo.

Aunt Margie is an avid reader of my blog (as is her daughter Holly) so I thought it was only fitting to give her a very special birthday treat by making a blog post all about her. I'd also like to add that she was my father's favorite and while I'm sure my mother didn't appreciate having to take her younger sister on dates with my father, my father didn't mind at all because he had such a special relationship with my Aunt Margie. I have many pictures of all of them together somewhere in my house and, when I get a free minute, I'm going to add them to this entry so come back to view this for a second time.

So Happy Birthday Aunt Margie......I love you a lot!!!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Before you all think that I've discontinued blogging, I'm here to say that is not so. First of all, my laptop is not working properly so whenever I move it in a certain way, it just shuts down. This is fairly annoying especially when you've just typed many paragraphs of something and then it's all lost. So now I'm using one of Michael's old laptops until I can get mine fixed. Unfortunately, all of the pictures I need to update my blog are on my laptop so until I have the time to email them to myself and save them on this computer, I'm "pictureless". I'm sure this isn't a word and I'm sure I'll hear from my brother Bobby on this.

Speaking of my brother Bobby, I recently got this email from him so this proves that I'm not kidding when I say he critiques my spelling and grammar......

"I have, in the past, noticed slight grammatical errors in your blog that I've ignored, because they were so insignificant. However, I did notice one you might think about. Shouldn't the "girls' only vacation" be girls-only vacation? "

Now you know what I'm up against. But I'm just wondering, Bobby, why you chose to put a comma before the word "because" in the email you sent me. You and I both know it doesn't belong there.

Dan's death (Michael's friend) has had such an effect on me and has caused me not to want to be happy......I guess this is what you call being depressed. I'm still struggling with the whole thing and the thought that I'll never get to go to his wedding or see him grow into a man causes me much pain.

But, the life of the living must go on so these are some blogs you can all look forward to once I get my pictures transferred to this computer.

.....my high school reunion

.....my mother meeting Brady for the very first time

.....babysitting for Brady while Liz and Bryan went to the World Series

.....Michael back in Europe and playing in the Master Classics of Poker in Amsterdam

.....Belle, who has an obvious fear of full moons

.....an update on my godson Jarek and his Pittsburgh Pirate journey

.....and me still trying to cash in my first live poker tournament

And I'm sure there's some TV shows or books that I need to blog about. So stay tuned and don't give up on me yet!!!!